Return and refund policy

If you received the wrong items or the items you received are defective, please email to discuss further. If items are defective, we should be notified within 7 days.

If you are not satisfied with the goods received, you may return them to us within 30 days of receipt, provided they are in original and saleable condition.

Once returned, you are entitled to a full refund, which does not include the cost of return shipping. We cannot refund or exchange items that appear to be used or not in original condition.

Return Request

-Email to indicate that you would like to return the item, stating the reason for return.

-Once approved, please ensure that your return is properly packaged and meets all the conditions below.

-Mark "Returns" clearly on the outer packaging of your package.

-Use an insured tracking service to ensure your package arrives safely to us.

-Send a follow-up email with your tracking information to

Return Terms and Guidelines:

-All returned items must be unused and with original packaging.

-We are not responsible for the cost of returning the items.

-Please ensure that all returned items are properly packaged so that they are not damaged in the mail.

-Make sure all return packages are shipped with a trackable, insured service, as we cannot take responsibility for items damaged or lost in return shipping.

-Make sure the return request has been approved - without approval, your return may not be processed.

Easy returns in three simple steps:

Step 1: Send an email to Provide your order number, email address and reason for return.

Step 2: Send your order

Send the items to the address you receive from us by email. Make sure you provide the package with a Track and Trace code.

As the sender, you are responsible and we do not want any misunderstandings.

Step 3: Receive the purchase amount in your bank account

Once we have received the package, we will make sure that the purchase amount back into your bank account within 14 days.